Lachgas(Stickoxid)-Emissionen der borealen Wälder überraschen Forscher

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Lachgas(Stickoxid)-Emissionen der borealen Wälder überraschen Forscher

Beitrag von Manfred »

Eine Studie der Universität von Helsinki zeigt, dass die Bäume der borealen Wälder überraschend viel des "Klimagases" Lachgas (N20) emittieren:

"A recently published study, completed by researchers from the University of Helsinki together with Dr Katerina Machacova, a visiting scholar, demonstrates that boreal forests of the Northern Hemisphere are sources of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). The study provides new information on the significance of trees as sinks and sources of greenhouse gases, proving that forests have relevance not only in the absorption of carbon, but also as a source of other greenhouse gases." ... scientists
